Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why doesn't Gatani consider the fact that Bala has always been a respected member of the community?


  1. Gatani doesnt consider that Bala is a respected member of the community because his rage at losing the stone may blind him in thinking straight. Another possibility is sense Bala went into Gatanis house alone Gatani thinks there is no possible way Bala didnt take it. I wonder if Gatani just lost the stone.

    P.S This is Jacob, I had to change names because of Mrs. Wrens new blog

  2. Gatani does't consider the fact that Bala is a respected member of the community because he has witnesses and evidence that Bala could have stole the magic stone. His mind is concentrated on the stone and thinks Bala is a filthy thief. I think Gatani was so furious that he let his anger out on Bala. Maybe Gatani lost the stone himself or made a scheme to set up Bala.

  3. I think he thinks it was him because it made the most sense. I mean I would think it was him if 3 people saw him in my house for a while.

  4. I agree with matt. Gatani has proof! I just dont understand why Bala didnt confront him and tell Gatani what really happened. I also agree with Riley and Jacob. Gatani could have lost the stone!!! I wonder how the story is gonna end.

  5. I agree with everyone in a way. Gatani could have lost the stone but thought Bala stole it because three people saw Bala in Gatani's house but didn't know what he was doing in their. He could've been doing Gatani a favor? Who knows?

  6. I believe that Gatani believes everything he hears right when he hears it. And maybe Bala had done something in the past that made them not close or maybe even enemies.

  7. Gatani doesn't concider the fact that bala was a respected person because all of the evidence was very convincing that he stole it, though he was just doing a favor

